Happy ending for Eliza
My boyfriend and I adopted Eliza, a husky hound, about two years ago. Of course we went to TLC just to LOOK. She looked so skinny and sad. Her puppies had just been taken from her and she still had milk. She was so sweet and I stood by her cage until my boyfriend finally asked a staff member to let her out. My boyfriend had a Rotti mix at the time so we had to go home and bring him to the shelter to see if they got along. They did J. She had a hard time adjusting. I think she was looking for her puppies. She was also very clingy and would crawl right in your lap. But after awhile she relaxed and learned to love playing with Zues (the Rotti). Sadly by boyfriends Rotti died of cancer a few months ago and Eliza has had a very difficult time adjusting. But, my boy friends cat just had kittens and Eliza has been busy being a diligent baby sitter! She checked on them throughout the day when they were newborns and now she carriers them around in her month and gives them baths while mama cat takes sunbaths. Eliza loves going on walks. She shakes with excitement when she sees the leash and zooms around the house. She’s very friendly and very gentle. She has some hound in her and howls and talks once in a while. I sure wish I knew what she was saying!
Michelle Leal
Golden Paw awarded to Taylor, Nicole and Luke
Taylor, age 11, Nicole age 10 and Luke age 5 raised money for the shelter buy selling lemonade at their own stand. A Golden Paw is awarded to each of these great kids.
Golden Paw awarded to Dawn & Jack Potempa, Jamie Hansen
Dawn, Jack and Jamie had a lemonade stand where they raised money for the shelter animals. Here is a Golden Paw for each of these caring kids.
Happy ending for Speedy (formerly Stevie)
On July 10, 2010 we adopted Stevie who is now known as "Speedy". Our intention was to look for a specific type of of dog that was to arrive later that afternoon. While waiting we visited the kennel area to see the other dogs. There was a Chihuahua that caught my husbands attention and he asked what was his story. Next thing we know our whole family was sitting in the Play area/Gazebo for a long time. He was very shy and timid, but there was something so special about him we decided to adopt him no matter what! We waited for the other dog, that finally arrived, but it did not feel right. We walked out with Speedy. It was meant to be, Speedy found us! It has been a week and he is adjusting to his new home very well. He is definitely a lady's man and loves spending time with myself and my daughter. He is slowly getting to know my husband and son, but on his terms. The cats have "allowed" him to stay in the house. The shyness is definitely disappearing. He loves giving kisses and showing off his goofy smile while playing. Speedy loves going on long walks, and our pond is his favorite area to visit. Thank-you to everyone at TLC for helping us finding this little guy. Christina, Michael, Victoria & Jonathan Dokter
Happy ending for Macy
Hi everybody, just wanted to give an update on my girl macy, a lot has changed in just the past 6 months of her life, from surgery to getting a new baby brother, she has been busy!
In May Mommy noticed that macy was walking a little funny and limping a little, when she went to the vet no one could figure out what was wrong so they sent us to an orthopedic surgeon. Mommy was so scared, she didn’t know what was wrong and our vet had never seen anything like this before. By the time our appt finally came around with the surgeon her paw had started to turn out and things had gotten worse. The doctor told us that she needed surgery IMMEDIATELY because one of the growth plates in her leg was damaged and was causing the other bones to grow funny. They had to cut out the damaged growth plate giving everything a chance to straighten out and heal, they told us that she would be in a cast for 4 to 6 weeks, and unable to do what she loves most, run, jump and play we were heartbroken but we knew it had to be done. After the surgery she got a pretty cast and a funny cone, but that didn’t slow her down one bit, she still tried to run and jump every chance she got. Mommy was a nervous wreck! Thankfully everything is all healed now and you can’t even see a scar, she is back to 100% her old self, only with a new nick name the million $ mutt!
Another exciting thing that has happened to macy is that she got a new baby brother! His name is Murphy, he is a Rottweiler puppy and she couldn’t love him more, they play play play all day every day! They were instant best friends, a match made in heaven! Before macy got hurt we decided to start looking into getting her a friend because of how much energy she had and how much love she had for her four legged friends. We picked out her brother and was ready to get him when he was old enough. After macy got hurt we knew that we couldn’t bring him home because it wouldn’t be fair to anyone to have a puppy she couldn’t play with. After macy was all better we called to find out about getting another puppy, and it turned out that our boy was still available for us! We were so happy, we knew instantly it was a miracle he hadn’t found a home yet, and that he was obviously meant to be ours.
Also in this busy last few months we did a breed analysis of macy’s DNA to find out what mix made such a beautiful girl! They found traces of german shepherd, golden retriever and sheltie, what a mix! Macy is such an amazing dog, we are so blessed that we found her at TLC, She brings a smile to the face of everyone she meets, and makes friends everywhere she goes. She is so well behaved and listens pretty good, she has her qwirks, like barking and digging in the yard, but all is worth it for the love that she gives us every day. I don’t know where we’d be without her, our lives would be incomplete. Thank you TLC for all that you do to give dogs like macy a happy life and make families like ours complete
Jessie, Matt, Macy and Murphy
Heres some pictures for everyone:
Summer 2010 - Macy after playing in the mud
Spring 2010 - Macy after her surgery
Summer 2010 - Macy and her baby brother Murphy
Happy ending update: Riley
Riley as a puppy
Hello my name is Carrie Vickers and my husband and I adopted a puppy in February. He went by Bad Boy at the shelter. He was not in good shape when he was found we were told, but he was adorable. We adopted him through Denny and a few days later we dropped a photo of him off with Denny. We changed his name to Riley. If you could please pass on to Denny that Riley has thrived. He was worried about him. At about 7 months now Riley is a horse. He is affectionate and loving ( a bit of a handful sometimes because he has LOTS of energy) But he stole our hearts. He is spoiled and very happy. Riley was a big decision for us as he was a birthday present for my Autistic son Jacob. They are best friends and he made my son a very happy little boy. Let Denny know THANK YOU!!!!
Carrie Vickers
Update 7/20/10
We adopted our dog Riley, formerly known as "Bad Boy" almost 7 years ago from TLC for our Autistic son Jacob, we already have an update on the happy endings page and it has his puppy pictures with a red blanket, and we brought him once for Denny to see at the shelter. Denny was a little attached to him because he came in bad shape as a puppy and he had been caring for him. We said we would update him through the years. We do not have a direct email for the shelter, so please pass on to Denny that Riley is doing wonderful and has not only filled my son Jacob's days with Joy but I have two other children, my older son Jon is now 17 and my daughter Amber is 13, they love him. He has brought so much joy to all of us and he is quite a character. Riley was listed as a shepard mix, that mix was determined to be pit bull, and at first I was very nervous, he has absolutely changed my mind. We were taught by our vet how to teach and care for him early and let me tell you this dog has not a tendancy to do anything but kiss you to death if he comes near you. He has taught me alot. I hope Denny enjoys the picture and we will send more over the years until Riley is not with us any more (which I hope is a VERY VERY long time)
Golden Paw awarded to First United Methodist Sunday School
Here is a Golden Paw for the First United Methodist Sunday School children for the collection of food and supplies and $103.00 they donated.
TLC Car Wash Sunday 11th
Annual Car Wash for T.L.C.
When: Sunday July 11th
Time: 10 AM to 3 PM
Where: At the Animal Care Clinic located at 13061 W. 143rd Street, Homer Glen
They will be up to their elbows in suds, and the more cars the better! The staff at the Animal Care Clinic will be giving up part of their day to raise money for the animals at T.L.C., and give your car a great wash to boot!
$5.00 per car
When: Sunday July 11th
Time: 10 AM to 3 PM
Where: At the Animal Care Clinic located at 13061 W. 143rd Street, Homer Glen
$5.00 per car
Golden Paw awarded to Cara Wiemeyer and Marlena Baldyga
A Golden Paw is awarded to Cara & Marlena. These kids held a lemonade sale over the 4th and raised $31.85 for the animals.
dogs arriving 7/10
Here are a few of the dogs arriving on Saturday from shelters where their time is up. The newfoundland mix pups that were supposed to arrive last Saturday should be arriving.
Happy ending for Gabbi
Miss Gabbi is probably one of the most spoiled dogs now with all of the love and attention, and of course her fine dining on organic dog food, but its only the best for my little girl.
I would first like to thank TLC for helping us find the perfect dog, and let me tell you she is absolutely perfect. It has only been about two weeks since we brought Gabbi home, but it seems so much longer. The first few days she was very docile and only wanted to be close to us, and I loved it. If thats how she was going to stay I would have been completely content with it. Boy did she throw us for a loop. Gabbi is now an energetic puppy who loves to play and attack her stuffed animals like a wild animal. She is still a loving cuddler all the time but boy when she plays she is like a kid in a candy store. We have a huge back yard that she runs around like a track dog, we almost think she is part greyhound though she is too small for that. In the short time she has been here she's gained muscle and more weight, and she is so shiny it makes the mirrors jealous. Miss Gabbi is probably one of the most spoiled dogs now with all of the love and attention, and of course her fine dining on organic dog food, but its only the best for my little girl. She has learned a lot of the past two weeks as far as commands and what she can and can't do, I can't even imagine how I got along without her before, its like having a new baby in the house that you just never want to take your eyes off of. My boyfriend, and myself love her to death, along with her 'grandparents'.
Thank you!
Sofia and Jaime
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