We just wanted to tell the story of Macy's happy ending and thank all of our friends at TLC for their help. It has already been 6 months since this AMAZING puppy has come into our lives, and her energy and love are never ending. We just cant believe how much of a well behaved puppy she is! She is so social, she makes new friends everywhere she goes. When i saw her at TLC, i knew instantly that it was meant to be, Her daddy was a little unsure that we were ready for her but now... he couldn't love her more... she is a TOTAL daddy's girl! She really loves playing outside, ESPECIALLY now that there is snow on the ground! We have to bribe her to come in! Her highlight of the week is her trip to Petsmart, that dog has so many toys! We also wanted to say thank you to our friends at TLC for taking care of her, a few days after she came home she got a yucky cough, and our friends at TLC were nice enough to take care of her and help her get better. Macy has completed our family, I dont know where we'd be without her!
Jessie, Matt, and Macy