Roxy and her pups need help! We just found out today that Roxy is HW +. She came in on transport Saturday along with her 6 puppies. You can see in the picture of Roxy and her puppies, they were living in pathetic conditions. As a matter of fact the pups were so starved as was Roxy that we found sticks and straw in their stools. The pups were also filled with parasites, that in their weakened state claimed the lives of 3 of the pups. The remaining 3 pups are on IV's and everything possible is being done to save them, but it is still touch and go. Any donations to help with their medical expense and Roxy's heartworm treatment would be greatly appreciated.
We want to thank Catherine Herman, Sally Wagner, Rhonda Humphrey, Jason Grunnmun, Kimberly Lovati, Jean Helt, Sue Kwatt, David and Cassie Warner, Dawn Aguilar, Rosemary Webster, Judith Tierney, Luanne and Mark Gawron and Raquel and Randy Melendez for donations to help with their care.
UPDATE: Roxys' pups finally well enough and all thre have gone to their forever homes! WOO HOO!
Roxy has begun her treatment for HW