We want to thank Tracy Lesmeister for hosting Comedy for the Critters for TLC. The evening eas a huge success and everyone had a great time. Ana Belavel, Pat Tomasulo and Mike Tommey had everyone laughing so hard that some people had tears rolling down their cheeks. It was a great evening and we want to thank Ana, Pat and Mike for doing such a great job bringing down the house. We also want to thank the Microsoft team for volunteering their time to make sure everything ran smoothely and helped raise money for the shelter selling the 50/50 tickets. We also want to thank the American Legion. Speaking for myself, I had a blast! Tracy went through a lot of work to put this event on to help the homeless critters at TLC. Are you ready for this? Tracy raised $3,700.00 for the shelter!!! WOO HOO! Thank you so much Tracy, you did a great job, and the money you raised will help a lotof animals. We also want to thank everyone who came to the event to help support the shelter!