Donations needed to help this girl! This is a very sweet dog coming up on transport this Saturday. She is a mixed Golden Retriever, who as you can see is a very happy dog! Good with kids, good with other dogs and only about 1 1/2 years old. She did have a rescue that was going to take her Until they found out she was HW+. She was scheduled for euthanasia this Saturday, but we couldn't see that happen to such a sweet dog so we stepped in to rescue her and have her treated. If you would like to help us help her, any donation of any size would be greatly appreciated. To make a donation you can go to our PayPal account. If you make your donation as a gift no fees will be taken out by PayPal.
UPDATE: We want to thank everyone who made contributions to help pay for Allison's heartworm treatment. She has undergone her treatment and is going to her forvere home. Thank you one and all and good luck Allison!