
Rabbit sponsored by Janine Carter

Janine is sponsoring this medium sized lop eared rabbit.
That is the sweetest little bunny and if I could I would adopt it : )


Happy ending for Marley

I adopted Marley 2 years ago when he was just 8 weeks old. He LOVES to play!! He loves people & he even loves his 4 cat friends that he lives with.


Golden Paw awarded to Orland Trailblazers

A Golden Paw goes out to Junior Girl Scout Troop 154 Orland Trailblazers who earned their Bronze Award: Members Eghosa Atoe, Jaimee Bigott, Natalie Campise & Adelina Cesario. They had 2 garage sales and earned $626.00 and bought supplies for TLC with the money earned. They collected all the items and did all the work to raise the money to buy things for the animals.


dogs & pups arriving 8/28

Here are a few of the dogs arriving Saturday from shelters where their time is up.


Happy ending for Bailey

We adopted Bailey just today. So far he is adapting. He doesn't seem to mind our dog too much and there will be some adjustment time before Bailey and our other cat are friends but I am confident that it will not be long. Thank you for our new family member.


Ginger sponsored by kathleen ward

Kathleen Ward is sponsoring Ginger, a female chihuahua/terrier mix.  She is house trained & ok with kids.  Please adopt this sweet little girl!



Golden Paw awarded to Amanda & Jessica Windstrup

Amanda (age 6) & Jessica (age 3) set up a lemonade stand and raised $40 for the animals at TLC.  These girls have earned a Golden Paw.

Golden Paw awarded to Maddie Duka, Rachel Ward and Errin Ward

Maddie, Rachel and Errin donated $211.06 by selling lemonade and cookies and also origami, jewelry and hair ornaments.   All of these items they made by hand!  Thanks for working so hard for the animals.

Golden Paw awarded to Ludwig School 4th & 5th grades

The fourth & fifth grade students at Ludwig School held a fundraiser for TLC. They gathered money & pet items.  Here is a big Golden Paw for all these great students.


dogs & pups arriving 8/21

Here are a few of the dogs arriving Saturday from shelters where their time is up.


Shopping Night for TLC

No transport on 8/14

there won't be a transport on Saturday 8/14, because adoptions are down or non existent.  Rescues and shelters that would have taken some of these animals cannot, because adoptions have dropped so badly.


Golden Paw awarded to Allison & Abigail Caskey, Robbie Ozdieck

Golden Paw awarded to Cylei Clark

This 4 year old with a modeling contract is awarded a Golden Paw for helping the animals at TLC.

nominated 8/8/10 by Janine Carter

Golden Paw awarded to Jill Febel, Amanda Dewey, and Christy Carlson

Jill, Amanda & Christy set up a table at the Homer Glen Farmer's Market on July 31st, and raised over $200 for TLC. These girls are awarded Golden Paws.  

nominated 8/8/10 by Janine Carter


Happy ending for Mac

Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank TLC for another great cat. Mac lost his home to someone being allergic to cats. As you can see by the photo he has fit into our family perfectly. Anytime we can take a cat or place one, TLC is the best.
 Thank you Randy and Sheri Mitrovich.


Golden Paw awarded to Avery, Lauren, Katie & Mitchell Powell

Avery, Lauren, Katie & Mitchell set up a lemonade stand and raised money for the shelter. A Golden Paw is awarded to each of these great kids.

nominated 7/30/10 by Janine Carter

Golden Paw awarded to Morgan, Devin & Rowyn Page

Morgan (age 10), Devin (age 5) and Rowyn (age 3) donated their birthday money to the shelter. These kids deserve a Golden Paw for their generosity & caring.

nominated 7/30/10 by Janine Carter

Golden Paw awarded to Heather Johnson

A golden Paw is awarded to Heather for helping the animals at TLC.

nominated 7/30/10 by Janine Carter

Joey sponsored by Kathleen Ward

Kathleen Ward is sponsoring Joey.  Joey is a beautiful German Shepherd with a sweet disposition.  He will be a great companion!