
Short times outside are fine but for long periods in severe cold animals are subject to frostbite just like you and I

Short periods outside are fine during this cold streak we have been having but remember animals are subject to frostbite just like you and I. 


Before they run out we still have some TLC Favorite Pets 2014 Calendars Available

The TLC 2014 Favorite Pets Calendar is filled with over 100 pictures of the great pets that were entered in this years contest. 
 If you love animals, you will enjoy this calendar.
  The calendars are $15.00 each and all the money raised helps the animas at the shelter


Golden Paw Award goes out to Kiah Jurgens, Tess Diamond and Shane Haas of St. Dennis School and also Lani Decicco. We also want to give a big round of applause to Hadley School for the school wide supply drive they held

For their great project at St. Dennis School 7th graders Kiah Jurgens, Tess Diamond and Shane Haas sold ice cream sandwiches at lunch!  The trio made $344.00 to help the animals at TLC.  Thank you ever so much!
Lani Deccico had a food and pet supply drive for the critters at TLC.  Thank you for helping our furry friends
 We also want to give a big round of appause to Hadley Middle School in Homer Glen.  They had a school wide supply and food drive for the shelter.  We want to thank the teachers and faculty for their caring and generosity!


Pictures with Santa 12/14 at Animal Clinic at New Lenox

Pictures with Santa are available from 9:00 until 2:00 at Animal Clinic
at New Lenox located at 1328 N. Cedar Road, New Lenox this Saturday 12/14.
All proceeds to help the animals at the TLC Animal Shelter.


This weeks video Stars


These little dolls are full of love and oh so playful!  Enjoy watching their antics!  There is only one female and that is the little black pup, she is a real cutie pie!


Thank you to King Heating and Cooling

We want to thank King Heating and Cooling for their donation of a new furnace for the shelter.  Our 34 year old furnace was on it's last leg and was actually at a dangerous stage where carbon monoxide could be leaking into the buikding from the crack in the unit that we did not know about!  A big thank you goes out to King Heating and Cooling for their concern for the welfare of the animals at the shelter and their generosity.


Entry Form for the Annual TLC Walkathon being held June 8th


Please click on the link or copy and paste in your browser and you can download the TLC Walkathon Entry Form.  You can mail the enrty form in, drop it off or email it to nicetruck8@aol.com.  We can then send you via email, regular mail or stop in and pick one up when you drop off your entry form.  Your pledge money is very important in keeping the animals at TLC fed, sheltered, and medical needs attended to.  Bring a friend this is a fun event!

Those raising over $100.00 in pledges will get some pretty neat stuff!

NOTE:  the walkathon is June 8th even though the form you will be downloading may say the 2nd.  I am having a problem with changing the date on the form so again the walkathon is June 7th