
Happy ending for Seymore

My name is Dorene Rice, and I adopted Seymore from your shelter two weeks ago. I thought that you might want to know how he is doing. He moved in and has acted like he was always a part of our family. We all love him, and he was everything that your shelter said he was. He loves everyone, especially our four year old cocker spaniel. They are now sleeping side by side, eating and drinking together, and of course, having treats together. He is such a smart cat, and we love that he knows his name and comes to it when called.

I just want to thank you all again for being there for all of the animals you care for and the excellent care that you give them. I thought you might like to see a picture of how well Seymore has adjusted...he took the dog's bed and our dog didn't even care!

Thanks again,
Dorene Rice